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The key players and roles

Nguon stakeholders are made up of the entire Bamoun community. However, it is important to note that some groups have specific roles as follows:

The Mfon

Ruler of the kingdom, convenes the Nguon, submits to the public judgment on his governance and the sentence pronounced at the end. He receives the offerings of the trades and ensures their redistribution and reserve storage, as well as the traditional medicines

The Tâ-Ngu

Judges the Mfon as the Chief Justice of the kingdom who conducts the judgment of the king and pronounces the verdict.

The Koms

Censor of the Mfon, and notables inductors, carry out the pronounced sentence.

The Titâ - Nguon (Fathers of Nguon):

Agents of the secret society, territorial depositaries of the sacred instruments of Nguon, composed of 138 units in the kingdom;

The Fonanguon (Ritual Chiefs of Nguon)

Agents of the secret society commissioned by the Titâ-Nguon, who ensure the collections in the population and pronounce the indictments during the public trial of Mfon. They are assisted by young attendants (Pon Pekâ).

The community

Participates in all the non-secret aspects of the rituals, expresses its opinions and feelings on the state of the kingdom and the governance of Mfon, brings offerings of agricultural and craft products to the king, which it benefits from redistributing.